Teacher's Lesson

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One all of us were studying aloud in the class room. My teacher
was observing the pupils with a stick in her hand. She  was always ready to beat those who don't read aloud. Suddenly a girl in our class, Sarala, shouted aloud " Teacher, my 10 rupee note is missing. I cannot find it". All of we pupils stopped studying and 
looked at her. 

Sarala : Teacher, my 10 rupee note is missing. I cannot find it.  

Teacher : where did you keep your note ?

Sarala : I kept it in my geometry box.

Teacher : Nobody steals your money. Probably you forgot it at your home.

Sarala : No teacher, I kept it in by geometry box and brought it to 
the school. Before an hour I saw it in the box.

Teacher : Check all of your books once. Probably you put it in 
between the papers of anyone of your books.

Sarala : ( she checked all of her books.) No teacher. It is not here.

Teacher : Did anyone take your geometry box ?

Sarala : Yes teacher. Shruti has taken my box. 
(Shruti is a girl beside sarala.)

Teacher : Shruti , did you take her 2 rupee note ?

Shruti  : No teacher. I did not take.

Teacher : Tell me the truth. I don't punish you.
Shruti  : Promise teacher. I did not take her note. In fact, I did not
see her note. Sarala's geometry box is a new one. So I took her box 
and saw it. There was no 2 rupee note. Probably she forgot it 
somewhere. I swear on my mother. I did not take her note.

Teacher : Show and Check your books once.

Shruti i showed her books and sarala checked each book by 
turning all the pages. All of us were watching. There was no note.]

Teacher : Stand up and shake your skirt.

[ Those days, girls used to wear long skirts from their waist to their
feet. Shruti  stood up and shook her skirt. To all of our surprise,
a 2 rupee note slipped from her skirt and fell down on the floor.
Sarala took that note and was looking into the eyes of Shruti .]

Teacher : sit down Shruti . Ok. All of you should start studying. 
After 15 minutes, I will ask you questions. Study fast.

[ Our teacher did not scold Shruti . All of the pupils were watching
Shruti Shruti  was dying with insult. Because she did wrong. 
she stole money and was caught red handed in front of 60 classmates. 
She could not stop her tears. She bent her face down. She was 
silently weeping and wiping her tears with her skirt. Then our teacher 
said aloud with a big voice.] 
Teacher : Why all of you are looking at Shruti ? Do you all want
to eat her? Everybody does mistakes. She also did a small mistake. 
Don't consider her as a thief. I'm sure, she will never do this kind of 
things again. She is as good as you all. She is really a good girl. 
She said to Shruti  with a peaceful voice 
"Shruti , don't cry. This is a small thing. I know you are a good girl. 
You will never do this kind of thing again. You still have respect. 
Nobody will blame you. If anyone blames you, tell me".

This was the incident. 
That day I understood the greatness of my teacher. That day in my 
heart, She took over the height of the mount Everest. I have learned a 
long lasting lesson from her attitude. With her prominent behaviour 
as a live example, she taught us to understand and forgive others.
