My Car is allergic to vanilla ice cream!

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General Motors is a multi national company. A few decades ago,  a complaint was received by
customer care center of General  Motors in USA. The following is the complaint. "This is the second time I have written to you. I hope you can solve  my problem, at least now. 

From my home, a few Kilometers away,  there is an ice cream shop. Ice creams of all kinds of flavors such as Chocolate ice cream, mango ice cream, strawberry ice cream,  vanilla ice cream etc are available there. In my family, we have a habit. After dinner, we family members eat ice cream. After dinner,  the whole family votes on which kind of ice cream I should bring. 

Based on the opinion of majority members, I go to the ice cream  shop and buy Ice cream. While coming back home from Ice cream  shop, I'm getting problem. If I buy chocolate ice cream or mango ice cream or orange ice cream, my car starts without any problem. But if I buy vanilla ice cream, my car does not start. My car is allergic  to vanilla ice cream. Recently I bought this car from your company.  Please come my home and and repair my car."

The branch manager of General Motors literally shocked by that  complaint. He questioned himself "what is the relation between  vanilla ice cream and car engine?" He sent a well trained automobile  engineer to the customer's house. That night, after dinner, the  customer and the engineer went to the ice cream shop, bought  vanilla ice cream and tried to start the car. The car did not start.

The Engineer returned for three more nights.  The first night, they got chocolate. The car started.  The second night, they got strawberry. The car started.  The third night, they got vanilla. The car failed to start.

The engineer shocked a lot. But he strongly decided to solve the  problem. He continued his visits to the same ice cream shop by  the same customer's car for several days. During every visit, 
the engineer noted down time of day, type of gas used, time to  drive back and forth etc.

After a few days, he had a clue: the customer took less time to buy vanilla. But he took more time to buy other kind of ice creams.  Why? Vanilla is the most popular flavour. So many counters were opened in front of the ice cream shop to sell vanilla ice cream.Many customers can come, buy vanilla ice cream and go quickly.  But remaining flavours are sold less. So the remaining kinds of ice 
creams were sold at the back of the shop. So It took more time to go to the backside of the shop, buy and come back to the car. 

So when the customer took more time, the car started. When the customer took less time, the car did not start. Finally the engineer understood "Here the problem is time, but not ice creams". 

Now, the question for the Engineer was "why did not the car start, when the customer took less time?" The engineer easily got the  answer: “vapour lock”. Once upon a time, old cars had this problem. 

When the customer took more time to buy other ice creams, the engine cooled down. So it started easily. But When the customer took less time to buy vanilla ice cream, the car engine was still too 
hot. So it did not start. Later the engineer repaired the car and left.

Every problem has a beautiful solution. But we should try sincerely. 
Trying sincerely is our main responsibility. 
